21 Century



Staff retention
after 12 Months


In consultative fees placed using I-intro



Traditional Recruitment is Failing

Consultative / 21st Century Recruitment is
the Key to Your Success

Traditional transactional recruitment is old news. It’s an unrefined solution in a sophisticated world.

Recruitment methods have changed little in the last 5 to 10 years while most industries have vastly changed using the powers of technology ote developments in various sciences.

Dynamic Professionals provide Scientifically backed and proven   modern recruitment and consultative services to our clients.

Recruitment expertise, proven testing methodologies, evidence-based decision-making and attention to detail are the corner stones of our service

We are fully qualified and licensed to deploy and interpret the most up to date testing methods which are the new beating heart of the modern recruitment industry

We provide end-to-end services with assigned experts to help you successfully manage the process

Better Decisions Making Saves You Money

Use modern scientific methods to de-risk your hiring using the best technology and assessment tools

Reduce the cost of bad hire and retain the best people


Save money, save time retain staff for longer.


Scientifically Proven Results

Welcome to The Science. Here you will find the technical and validity Information about the range of testing we deploy on your behalf


You will also find out about the benefits..

Recruitment As A Service

A whole new way of recruitment with 100% success guarantees for up to 12 months.

New and revolutionary payment options  aligned to  our success and your cash flow


And oh so much more…..